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Hipervinculo Matemáticas
Learn how to solve real-world problems involving percentages.
It is an educational content of CK-12 Foundation (to access some of the CK-12 contents you must be logged in).
Learn how to convert between percentages, decimals, and fractions.
It is an educational content of CK-12 Foundation (to access some of the CK-12 contents you must be logged in).
Study of the simple procedures to perform calculations that have decimal numbers as results.
This unit introduces the concept of rational numbers based on the concept of fractions of whole numbers. In the first section we explain the concepts of fractions and equivalent fractions as well as h ...
In this unit, we will find out how water is distributed throughout the world, as well as calculate the amount we use every day, and we will compare this figure with the water consumed by other people ...
In this unit we shall look at the area of percentages and see how to use them in different exercises. We shall also look at examples of how percentages are used in the world around us such as Value Ad ...
Hipervinculo Matemáticas
Hypatia y Pitágoras te invitan a jugar con las Matemáticas con diversas actividadesde diferentes niveles de dificultad. Los juegos se distribuyen en los bloques: Números, &Aac ...
Hipervinculo Matemáticas
Material educativo en catalán sobre el cálculo de los porcentajes del IVA. 'L'alumne practicarà el càlcul de percentatges d'IVA amb el suport de la calculadora i simularem els preus rebaixats d'alguns ...
Contenido educatvo en inglés sobre los porcentajes, fracciones y decimales. 'Study of the simple procedures to perform calculations that have decimal numbers as results.' Percentages, fractions and ...
Hipervinculo Matemáticas
Recurso educatvo en inglés sobre los porcentajes. Las actividades consisten en realizar una serie de operaciones matemáticas básicas relacionadas con los porcentajes. 'The students will practise calcu ...
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