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textoFiltroFichatipo de documento Lengua y literatura - ODA-Objeto Digital de Aprendizaje
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Learning object on adapting discourse to the communicative situation and the choice of lexicon, adapting to the interlocutor and the situation.
knowledge type: declarative, procedural
prerequisite knowledge: knowledge typical for pupils concluding Primary Year 2.
Learning outcomes: To know and use the rules of courtesy under any circumstance and with different interlocutors. To identify information in the discourse articulated during the course of a conversation. To listen and respond correctly to expressions of feelings and opinions. To use stereotypical resources in order to control the communication process. To interpret extralinguistic elements that enhance the comprehension of oral discourse. To recognize situations that inhibit or enhance communication.
The use of these contents is universal, free of charge and open, as long as it is for educational, non-commercial purposes. The actions, products and utilities derived from its use may not, as a result, generate any kind of profit. Likewise, it is mandatory to cite the source.
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Plug-in Flash Player
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Fecha publicación: 29.3.2015
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