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224367 materialEducativo
textoFiltroFichatipo de documento Francés-Lengua extranjera - ODA-Objeto Digital de Aprendizaje
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In this section, students are shown how to establish an automated procedure for connecting to a device or shared folder on a remote computer so that once it is created, it will act like a local drive.
Knowledge type: declarative, procedural
prerequisite knowledge: Basic use of Windows and Linux operating systems in a graphic environment. To understand how to use operating system's graphic management
Learning outcomes: General outcomes: To apply the appropriate procedures for accessing a network resource. Specific outcomes: To use the Windows and Linux operating systems to create shortcuts to network drives.
The use of these contents is universal, free of charge and open, as long as it is for educational, non-commercial purposes. The actions, products and utilities derived from its use may not, as a result, generate any kind of profit. Likewise, it is mandatory to cite the source.
Does not require installation
Plug-in Flash Player
Contenido exclusivo para miembros de
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Fecha publicación: 29.3.2015
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