Que puis-je faire ?
Hipervinculo Química
Protoi-, neutroi- eta elektroi-atomo bat eraikitzen du, eta ikusi nola elementua, karga eta masa-aldaketa. Gero jolastu jolas bat zure ideiak probatzeko!
Erabili protoi, neutroi eta ...
Hipervinculo Física
Azter itzazu bi atomoren konbinazioen arteko elkarreraginak. Erreparatu atomoei edo banakako indar erakargarri eta aldaratzaileei eragiten dien indar totalari. Atrakzioa pertsonalizatu, diametro atomi ...
Hipervinculo Matemáticas
Heat, cool and compress atoms and molecules and watch as they change between solid, liquid and gas phases.
Objetivos de Aprendizaje
Describe characteristics of three states of matter: solid, liquid a ...
Hipervinculo Física
How did Rutherford figure out the structure of the atom without being able to see it? Simulate the famous experiment in which he disproved the Plum Pudding model of the atom by observing alpha particl ...
Hipervinculo Química
Are all atoms of an element the same? How can you tell one isotope from another? Use the sim to learn about isotopes and how abundance relates to the average atomic mass of an element.
Objetivos de Apr ...
Hipervinculo Física
Build an atom out of protons, neutrons, and electrons, and see how the element, charge, and mass change. Then play a game to test your ideas!
Objetivos de Aprendizaje
Use the number of protons, neutr ...
Hipervinculo Química
Starting from atoms, see how many molecules you can build. Collect your molecules and view them in 3D!
Objetivos de Aprendizaje
Describe the difference between an atom and a molecule
Build simple mo ...
Hipervinculo Física
Explore the interactions between various combinations of two atoms. Observe the total force acting on the atoms or the individual attractive and repulsive forces. Customize the attraction to see how c ...
👉El vídeo de FortfastWTF: https://goo.gl/w4pTH3 Es hora de dejarse de botellones y dar respuesta a algunas preguntas básicas sobre física. No te pierdas ning...
Video Física
¿Que los átomos son así: ⚛️? NI DE LEJOS. La verdad es que su naturaleza cuántica les da formas mucho más bonitas. ¡Vamos a descubrirlas!
Hipervinculo Química
Protoi-, neutroi- eta elektroi-atomo bat eraikitzen du, eta ikusi nola elementua, karga eta masa-aldaketa. Gero jolastu jolas bat zure ideiak probatzeko!
Erabili protoi, neutroi eta ...
Hipervinculo Física
Azter itzazu bi atomoren konbinazioen arteko elkarreraginak. Erreparatu atomoei edo banakako indar erakargarri eta aldaratzaileei eragiten dien indar totalari. Atrakzioa pertsonalizatu, diametro atomi ...
Hipervinculo Matemáticas
Heat, cool and compress atoms and molecules and watch as they change between solid, liquid and gas phases.
Objetivos de Aprendizaje
Describe characteristics of three states of matter: solid, liquid a ...
Hipervinculo Física
How did Rutherford figure out the structure of the atom without being able to see it? Simulate the famous experiment in which he disproved the Plum Pudding model of the atom by observing alpha particl ...
Hipervinculo Química
Are all atoms of an element the same? How can you tell one isotope from another? Use the sim to learn about isotopes and how abundance relates to the average atomic mass of an element.
Objetivos de Apr ...
Hipervinculo Física
Build an atom out of protons, neutrons, and electrons, and see how the element, charge, and mass change. Then play a game to test your ideas!
Objetivos de Aprendizaje
Use the number of protons, neutr ...
Hipervinculo Química
Starting from atoms, see how many molecules you can build. Collect your molecules and view them in 3D!
Objetivos de Aprendizaje
Describe the difference between an atom and a molecule
Build simple mo ...
Hipervinculo Física
Explore the interactions between various combinations of two atoms. Observe the total force acting on the atoms or the individual attractive and repulsive forces. Customize the attraction to see how c ...
👉El vídeo de FortfastWTF: https://goo.gl/w4pTH3 Es hora de dejarse de botellones y dar respuesta a algunas preguntas básicas sobre física. No te pierdas ning...
Video Física
¿Que los átomos son así: ⚛️? NI DE LEJOS. La verdad es que su naturaleza cuántica les da formas mucho más bonitas. ¡Vamos a descubrirlas!
Ajouter à Didactalia Arrastra el botón a la barra de marcadores del navegador y comparte tus contenidos preferidos. Más info...