226391 materialEducativo

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Baliabide honi buruz...

Create your own scatter plot or use real-world data and try to fit a line to it! Explore how individual data points affect the correlation coefficient and best-fit line.

Objetivos de Aprendizaje

  • Interpret r (the correlation coefficient) as data points are added, moved, or removed
  • Interpret the sum of the squared residuals while manually fitting a line
  • Interpret the sum of the squared residuals of a best-fit line as a data point is added, moved, or removed
  • Compare the sum of the squared residuals between a manually fitted line and the best-fit line
  • Determine if a linear fit is appropriate

Least-Squares Regression

Mapa kontzeptuala: Least-Squares Regression

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Fecha publicación: 1.10.2020

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