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On the information level, the student will be given a scenario, (see Illustrative Procedure) as a vehicle explore a variety of sources to assess and determine to what extent the two hemispheres of the brain are indeed specialists. Is there a definitive division of labor, is each hemisphere a specialist in dealing solely with specific functions such as language, logic, numerical computation, drawing, creativity and emotions? Are we “left brain only” or “right brain only”? Does the brain accommodate us when parts or sections are injured? Does the brain make adjustments as needed when there are malfunctions? To what extend if the phenomenon of brain lateralization a popular myth or substantiated fact? These will be included as among others in the search for real answers.In addition, in the student’s search for evidence in the process of reviewing the accounts of neuroscientists, he/she becomes acquainted with what constitutes solid research and the various factors /variables that are essential for valid, reliable data to substantiate or refute various claims. What is brain lateralization? Is it real?

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Fecha publicación: 12.5.2016

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