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12Resources > conflict

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A Webquest in which pupils find out about a number of conflicts in Europe today.

Conflicts in Europe today

A Webquest in which pupils find out about a number of conflicts in Europe today.

Let's negotiate II (Proyecto Agrega)

Material educativo (inglés) que tiene el objeto de educar a los alumnos de Secundaria en la resolución de conflictos mediante la palabra y no mediante la violencia. 'Teaching resourc ...

Let's negotiate I (Proyecto Agrega)

Recurso didáctico en inglés que tiene como objetivo de ofrecer al estudiante alternativas como el diálogo y la negociación ante situaciones las situaciones de violencia. &# ...

Conflict resolution strategies: the mediation process

"Teaching sequence which shows the optimum conditions for a mediation process. Furthermore, it underlines respect and impartiality as key skills in mediation. The five component teaching units si ...

Conflict resolution strategies: negotiation

"Didactic sequence designed to teach students to address conflicts that arise and resolve them in a positive way, thus showing the effectiveness of negotiation and certain negotiating skills as a ...

Conflict resolution strategies: mediation

"Teaching sequence that presents mediation as peaceful strategy for conflict resolution and a way of responding to social situations in which there are different viewpoints on the same reality. T ...

Conflict resolution strategies: creative solutions

"Didactic sequence designed to teach students to address conflicts that arise and to resolve them in a positive way, in addition to developing the imagination and creativity to propose solutions ...

Conflict resolution strategies: analysis and empathy

"Didactic sequence designed to teach students to address the conflicts that arise between classmates and resolve them in a positive way, fostering reflection on stances in discord and respect tow ...

Conflict prevention: co-operation

"Didactic sequence designed to foster group work and to transmit the advantages of putting it into practice, in order to give students tools with which to address conflicts in a positive way.&quo ...

A Webquest in which pupils find out about a number of conflicts in Europe today.

A Webquest in which pupils find out about a number of conflicts in Europe today.

Material educativo (inglés) que tiene el objeto de educar a los alumnos de Secundaria en la resolución de conflictos mediante la palabra y no mediante la violencia. 'Teaching resourc ...

Recurso didáctico en inglés que tiene como objetivo de ofrecer al estudiante alternativas como el diálogo y la negociación ante situaciones las situaciones de violencia. &# ...

"Teaching sequence which shows the optimum conditions for a mediation process. Furthermore, it underlines respect and impartiality as key skills in mediation. The five component teaching units si ...

"Didactic sequence designed to teach students to address conflicts that arise and resolve them in a positive way, thus showing the effectiveness of negotiation and certain negotiating skills as a ...

"Teaching sequence that presents mediation as peaceful strategy for conflict resolution and a way of responding to social situations in which there are different viewpoints on the same reality. T ...

"Didactic sequence designed to teach students to address conflicts that arise and to resolve them in a positive way, in addition to developing the imagination and creativity to propose solutions ...

"Didactic sequence designed to teach students to address the conflicts that arise between classmates and resolve them in a positive way, fostering reflection on stances in discord and respect tow ...

"Didactic sequence designed to foster group work and to transmit the advantages of putting it into practice, in order to give students tools with which to address conflicts in a positive way.&quo ...

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