Zer egin dezaket?
Comparing the patterns of Korea, Cuba and Vietnam
It is an educational content by Khan Academy, site that contains a wide variety of educational videos.
Video Historia
Bay of Pigs Invasion
It is an educational content by Khan Academy, site that contains a wide variety of educational videos.
Hipervinculo Historia
For each position listed and time period, name the Cold War leader. The ROC (Republic of China) is today commonly known as Taiwan.
It is an educational content by JetPunk, site that contains a wide var ...
Hipervinculo Historia
Name the countries ruled by these dictators.
It is an educational content by JetPunk, site that contains a wide variety of quizzes.
Hipervinculo Historia
Answer the questions about this pivotal year.
It is an educational content by JetPunk, site that contains a wide variety of quizzes.
Hipervinculo Historia
Twenty questions on the history of Communsim.
It is an educational content by JetPunk, site that contains a wide variety of quizzes.
We give you a coup leader and a date. You name the country in which the coup occurred.
It is an educational content by JetPunk, site that contains a wide variety of quizzes.
Vamos a repasar juntos la historia de Cuba, introduciéndonos en el estudio de los acontecimientos sucedidos aquel mes de enero de 1959, mes en cual culminó la lucha que por más de un siglo habían sost ...
El Día de la Rebeldía Nacional es una fecha clave para la historia de Cuba. En Educatina hemos hecho un repaso sobre lo acontecido aquel 26 de julio de 1953 para que todos ustedes conozcan una de las ...
FicheroServidor Geografía
El tema se dá en Quinto Año de Historia en los Colegios Secundarios de Argentina.
El trabajo presenta datos geográficos, personajes importantes, linea de tiempo, ect.
El tema fu ...
Didactalia-ri Gehitzea Arrastra el botón a la barra de marcadores del navegador y comparte tus contenidos preferidos. Más info...